Rollators, 4-Wheeled walkers and Walking Aids

I thought it may be helpful to those thinking about using a rollator or walking frame to aid people getting from A-B. Our Rollators are very popular during the summer due to the ease they can be transported and the support they offer during a typical day out.

For example when we have our stall at Southport’s prestigious flower show we find that people love the fact they can use them as a walking aid and as seating, which allows the user to enjoy the show without searching for a seat.
Below is a typical description of a walker taken from Wikipedia: You can view the full article at

A walker or walking frame is a tool for disabled or elderly people who need additional support to maintain balance or stability while walking.
The British English common equivalent term for a walker is Zimmer frame – from Zimmer Holdings, a major manufacturer of such devices and joint replacement parts.

Modern walkers are height adjustable and should be set at a height that is comfortable for the user, but will allow the user to maintain a slight bend in their arms. This bend is needed to allow for proper blood circulation through the arms as the walker is used. The front two legs of the walker may or may not have wheels attached depending on the strength and abilities of the person using it. It is also common to see caster wheels or glides on the back legs of a walker with wheels on the front.


The person walks with the frame surrounding their front and sides and their hands provide additional support by holding on to the top of the sides of the frame. Traditionally, a walker is picked up and placed a short distance ahead of the user. The user then walks to it and repeats the process. With the use of wheels and glides, the user may push the walker ahead as opposed to picking it up. This makes for easier use of the walker, as it does not require the user to use their arms to lift then walker. This is beneficial for those with little arm strength.

A walker is a good tool for those who are recuperating from leg or back injuries. It is also commonly used by persons having problems with walking or with mild balance problems. Also related is a hemi-walker, a walker about half the size of a traditional walker which is intended for use by persons whose dexterity is limited or non-existent in one hand or arm. These walkers are more stable than a quad cane (a cane with four points that touch the ground, as opposed to one), but are not recommended as highly as a traditional walker for those who can use it.

Rollator with hand brakes
A variant of the walker is the wheeled walker, also commonly called a rollator. It is a walking frame with wheels. Rollators are typically more sophisticated than conventional walkers with wheels. They are adjustable in height and are equipped with a seat and sometimes with a basket; with the use of modern materials, they are light-weight yet sturdier. Modern wheeled walkers may also provide a back against which a person can lean. A particularly important part of a rollator is hand brakes mounted on the top of the frame that can be lifted or pushed downward to stop the wheeled walker at once. The brakes can also be used in maneuvering the rollator; when turning, the user can brake on the side being turned towards in order to achieve a tighter turning radius.

Modern rollators with wheels at least seven inches in diameter ensure better reliability. Also, to the advantage of safety, convenience, and durability of a wheeled walking aid and its parts, modern rollators use tubular seats, back seats and baskets with spacers and cushions, and rather than using simple hooks as in early models, are equipped with latches and release buttons.

As mentioned earlier, the rollator’s brake and wheels take the strain off the user’s arms leaving the user free to enjoy the freedom the rollators bring. For more information on prices and the differant types of rollators and frames we provide, please visit
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